Monday, October 15, 2012

Peanut Butter Pumpkins (Recipe Post)

Post by The Grumpy One
It's still October, and for you that missed last weeks post, I decided to make Halloween Themed snacks for my recipes this month.

Now this week is just like last week's bugs, yes you can call them Halloween-y...but you can also call the Fall-ish.

For you that are sick of Peanut Butter because of lasts weeks post, I am sorry, I will try to make a different type of flavor next week.

Now this seems like a lot of work, but really they are pretty easy, and they look kinda cool.

So the Ingredients are; Pretzels, 1 Bag of White Chocolate Chips, 1 Bag of Peanut Butter Chips, 1 can of frosting (I used cream cheese flavor), 1 cup of Peanut Butter, and Orange food Coloring (Or 3 yellow drops to every 1 red drop) you actually don't need the coloring but if you use it, the paste works better than the gel.

So just like last week, start by putting both bags of the "chips" in a pot on LOW. Don't forget to stir....constantly.

I used level 1 because of the chocolate burning accident last week.  It is a lot slower, but if you have enough time to read my post, and try out the probably aren't stressed for time.

 Once that is a nice smelling brown goo....add about a cup of peanut butter. and keep stirring until it's melted.

Now you can leave it in the pot and turn off the heat, or you can do what I did and transfer the "goo" to a mixing bowl.

Mix in the frosting and the orange food coloring.  Remember, to make orange its about 1 red drop for every 3 yellow drops.  Also remember (I know there is a lot to remember.) you don't necessarily need food coloring, it will just be the difference between bright orange pumpkins, or some that have been faded in the sun a little.

Once that is all mixed together you might want to cool it off in the fridge for a few minutes since you are about to use your hands. Talking about hands...wash them before this next's flu season.

O.k. with hands washed... put out wax/parchment paper and start rolling out little balls of the mix. 

Now a little warning, these are pretty potent, so you don't want to make them too big, in this case, bigger is not better.

Once the balls are on the paper, take a butter knife and cut the lines for the pumpkin.

Now break the curls of the pretzels, and use them for the stem of the pumpkins. 

This recipe made about 40 "perfect" sized pumpkins.

It sounds like a lot of work, but actually is real easy and quick once the chips are melted.

Now since I am having problems with my computer at home, I am posting this from work the day after I made these. 

I brought about 30 or so to work and I have 6 left.  Not the best thing I have made, but still o.k., I think the big selling point for these are they look really cool, so if you are having a party I think they will be something people talk about.  Until next week, now I have to find something Halloweenish that doesn't have peanut butter.

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