Sunday, November 18, 2012

4 Layers of Awesomeness (Recipe Post)

Post by The Grumpy One
So I will start by saying 4 layers is an inaccurate term for this recipe, especially since there is nothing that is repeated four times, it just sounds right.

This recipe comes from the fact that my sister made me go on Pintrest.

I liked this recipe as soon as I saw this, but you know me...I had to add a little to it. But, I am now safe to say that just like I said last week, this is now my #2 favorite recipe.

So lets start with the ingredients, for such a sweet cookie (if you call it a cookie) there are some things that don't seem like they would fit.

1/3 Cup of Sugar, 1 Cup of Brown Sugar, 1 Cup Butter, 1 Bag Chocolate Chips, 1 Cup Milk, 1 Cup Toffee Bits, 1 Cup Peanut Butter, 2 Cups ground Graham Crackers, 1 Box Club Crackers.

Start off by lining a casserole dish with the Club Crackers.

In a pan, melt the butter, then mix in the Sugar, Brown Sugar, Graham Crackers, and Milk.

Let it boil for about 5 min but keep stirring a lot.

Pour and spread half of the mixture over the crackers.

Lay down another layer of crackers on top of it.

Spread the rest of the mix over.

Lay another layer of Crackers.

On top of that layer, put down the toffee chips.

Now mix together the Peanut Butter, Chocolate Chips, and Butterscotch Chips.

Make sure you have them on a very low heat and keep stirring.

Once it is melted, pour over the toffee on the last layer of crackers.

Put in the refrigerator for about an hour, or until it sits.

Now all you have to do is cut, and serve.

Now I was very happy to find out that someone not only tried my recipe post last week, but liked it, so I am so glad these turned out so well.

Remember if you want me to try a certain kind of dessert for you, leave me a post on the blog.

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