Sunday, August 19, 2012

Much More Practical Smores on a stick (recipe post)

Post by The Grumpy One
So originally I was going to do my soon to be weekly recipe post on something else. In fact about 5 days ago I was talking to people at work about how I was going to top last weeks "Cant-a-pillar," (read last weeks "My kids wanted to eat bugs" post to know what I am talking about.) 

So I was all set to go until Friday as I was taking the boys for a "Daddy Day" (Daddy Day is when you come up with a reason to get the boys out of the house so Mommy can relax a little, this week we spent two hours washing and fueling up the "Mom Mobile.)  During the trip we saw a unit selling baked goods for a fund raiser.  I let the boys pick something.  Brandis picked a chocolate covered pretzel (yes it was pink colored chocolate, but I swallowed my pride and let him eat it anyway.) And Greyson picked what was called a "Smore on a stick." It was a neat idea, but one look, and you can tell it was not created by a parent (note this is not the actual treat in question, this is a photo I found on the Food Network Website, but it looked the same.)

First problem, the stick.  If you give it to small children either that stick is going to be chewed on and spit out, choked on, or be slimed on and then given to me to hold (more than likely the last option.) 

Second Problem, Not enough chocolate.  I am from the school of thought that if you say something is "chocolate covered" I should not see even a faint hint of the color of whatever is supposed to be "covered"  So without further blabbing, I present my version of "Smores on a stick."

I used four ingredients; Marshmallows, Melting Chocolate, Graham Crackers, and "Yan Yan" for the sticks (I was going to use graham cracker sticks but they didn't have any at the store, but now I think the Yan Yan was a better choice.  You can usually find them in the "Asian food" section if you have one.)  First thing I did was...

Layout all the Marshmallows I was going to use on a cookie sheet (I put wax paper under it so I wouldn't have to wash the pan later.) A tip that I thought of to make it easier was...

Use a butter knife to make a dent in the marshmallow, this makes it easier to poke in the "sticks" without breaking them.  So this is the perfect chance to practice your "Serial Killer Knife Stabs" (by the way mine are coming alone just nicely, thank you for asking.)

Now just like last week, violate the marshmallows with the "sticks" if you use "Yan Yan" I dipped the sticks in the Yan Yan Chocolate first to make the stick stay in the marshmallow a bit easier. I also like the Yan Yan because they have weird little animals on each stick.

This is the mole notice they are in English, because these are "popular American animals" you know like a Frog, Stag Beetle, and Squid.  When finished it should look like a forrest of "popular American animals."

Crush up the graham crackers in the bowl.

No these are not my hands, one of my kids helped me with almost every step, so that proves even a toddler can make them. 

Once everything is prepped, melt the chocolate (I used the microwave friendly kind) and it's as easy as Dip, Dip, Done.

I did a few without graham cracker crumbs since I am going to bring most of these to work tomorrow and I don't know who does or doesn't like graham crackers (I learned the lesson of giving my children sugar topped sugar snacks on a Sunday night, so they got one when they were done, they might get one after dinner, and that is it.

You can eat them the second they are done, but if you put them in the fridge for about 15 minutes, the chocolate will get hard (I actually put them in the freezer to make a colder treat since I live in Hawaii.)

So there you go, a nice treat that actually has nothing you have to clean up when you serve, since you eat the "stick."

I hope you enjoyed, and my next recipe post might actually be earlier than next weekend.

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