Post by The Pretty One
Once I started, I couldn't contain myself and couldn't narrow them down, so I said fuck it and am just gonna list my favorites in different genres.
But in the process of putting together movies that I LOVE, I had to decide, what makes a movie a classic. And I think I came up with a few rules that must apply to place that movie upon it's pedestal!
#1 Sustainability
Can you put this movie on repeat and watch it over and over again?
I know that every movie I post in these next few upcoming posts, I can put it up on the TV and let it run all day long, and then at the end of the day, restart it and then laugh at the same jokes over and over again.
#2 Quotable?
Do you and your friends repeat lines of that movie to each other constantly? Do you go out of your way to do something dumb or silly so you can repeat a movie line?
#3 Nostalgia
A lot of the movies I list are on here because they remind me of a better time.
For some movies, I watched them as a kid so they hold a special place in my heart, and probably always will.
I'm sure there are some more that I will think of later but for now... this is the criteria.
So what are you rules? What are you fav movies?
my favorite movies, turns out, took a few watches before it sunk its hooks in me, just like my favorite albums.